Saturday, July 12, 2008

About ~ Welcome!

July 4, 2008

Hi! This is your "welcome" to the Write Sassy Blog. I do graciously invite you to peruse its pages; but on this auspicious Independence Day let me remind you that "independent thinking" and Freedom of Speech are the cornerstones on which this blog is built.

Thus, this page will likely be the nicest soliloquy you will read here. The Write Sassy Blog intends to be irreverent, informative, with a hint of humor, and unabashedly biased. After all, we have the freedom of speech, right? Let's see how far it takes us. I'm aiming for weekly editions, but like most of you, I work for a living, so cut me some slack, OK?

A few words about who you're reading, which may influence your decision of whether you want to continue ... I am decidedly female, absolutely straight, and older than dirt, as the saying goes. But that is what gives me the right to bitch, moan, groan and hypothesize. About anything and everything. Think of me as Maxine in 300 words or more.

Why do I cower behind a catchy blog name and not reveal my true identity? Because we are a judgmental society and this blog is not about "me" (I have other blogs for that). Its purpose is to explore issues, raise awareness and yep, I admit it -- allow me to climb up on a soapbox to vent without feeling the heat from family, friends, and clients. Will I solve any problems here? Likely not. But who knows. Open discussion and "bouncing ideas off" are famous for following to a resolved conclusion.

At Write Sassy you will find, as I say in my intro, no subject safe. Whatever strikes my fancy will be the topic of the day. Will I fit into the standard blog category? Nope. Will that affect my readership? Maybe. Do I care? Not one iota.

Although riffing is a comedian's term, it works well here, because I will be working off the news of the day, or a pet peeve reignited, or perhaps one of your comments. Feel free.

And ... know this about me ... while I am certainly opinionated (that's my inalienable right - and yours, on your own blog) I take relish in presenting opposing points of view -- respectfully and eloquently stated. If you can't present your opinion in a comment under those guidelines, then please comment somewhere else.

So, after you're read my blog(s) ~ "Talk"! I want to know if you agree with me or not and whether I've wasted my time and yours by writing about the topic. In fact, I even admit that I may learn from your viewpoint ... no promises. And I know it may be difficult, but swallow your pride and let me know if you learned a thing or two from me, OK? Hey, we all have egos. You can comment here, and/or send a note ... your choice.

And if you have not yet learned that you can be wrong at times too, then you are likely too young to read this blog. Go check out YouTube. Come back in a few years. I'll be here!

Always writing,

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