Sunday, October 28, 2012

Fun, Humor, Tolerance – Extinct?

 What has happened to our country? To our world?

I’m the first to tell you that “nobody said life was easy” as my mother often warned me. And there is much to frown about, cry over, and exclaim in anger or frustration in life. But our emotions – and we are an emotional species – also include laughter, wonder, and tolerance, to make life bearable and at times, even enjoyable.

Our governments and others who CLAIM to have our best interests at heart, however, are eroding not only our desire to laugh and view this incredible world – and society – with wonder, but they are destroying our tolerance of each other … when it exists at all.

In what way, you ask? Make that wayS.

- By creating laws that punish the minority and leave the majority frustrated because they are penalized too
- By pitting race against race in immigration and “minority”laws
- By constructing such a convoluted and corrupt lawmaking system that even lawmakers become entangled in their webs of deceit
- By extorting taxes and spending the funds irresponsibly, causing higher taxes while under-funding the intended (and advertised) faction
- And so many more …

Add ALL of these government sanctions along with natural disasters, common personal ailments and life pains … it gives pause to consider exactly why should we smile? I wish I could offer a rosy alternative.