Monday, March 19, 2012

Sweet Taxes and Government Stupidity

@ 10:11a.m./PT - Stupid people have ruined this country. “One way to do that (stop US obesity and bad health) is to put a tax on soda.”

Are you CR-A-ZY??! Yeah, that’s it, add a tax to people who are already taxed to death. Oh—that’s the plan! Tax them ‘til they don’t have enough money to eat at all?! THAT will solve the obesity problem!

The inane statement above was recently declared in a highly read Sunday news supplement by a very popular television morning show host—someone who many people watch and idolize—ready to act on her every utterance. These are the idiots we have for spokespeople. And it’s people like them who somehow create a convincing argument for their lunacy, all the way to Congress. No wonder …

I was just talking with someone yesterday about how these types of stupid suggestions somehow become laws and have ultimately ruined us. They’re the reason the rich get richer and the poor get homeless. And Middle Class? It’s completely disappeared … but that’s for another day’s rant.

Bottom line is we regulate things that should be individual choices (and NOT the government’s business) and ignore those things that SHOULD be regulated—like forcing food producers to sell ONLY natural, organic, UN-manufactured and processed foods!

Why does the FDA* allow known carcinogens in our food? Only “trace amounts” is apparently supposed to be OK. I don’t know about you, but for me, that’s just not good enough. (*Food & Drug Administration—run by the government, so you know it’s over-staffed and they’re overpaid.)

And we’re becoming fatter from all the additives they allow IN our foods and the unnatural processing done TO our foods! Not because WE are choosing to eat more of the BAD foods! There is sugar and other non-essential, harmful ingredients in absolutely everything we eat—even the so-called health foods.

We have been doomed to die early by our own government—and forget about leaving a good-looking corpse!

And that’s the way it is, today …

Cheers to you,

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