Sunday, May 27, 2012

Big Brother has “All Axis”

Why does "Axis" rhyme with “access”?

Yahoo/Axis – A new kind of browser or a new Big Brother form of accessing you and your browsing habits?

Yahoo seeks to shake up search, Web browsing
By MICHAEL LIEDTKE | Associated Press – 2 hrs 27 mins ago (05/24/12; 6:45am PT)

"Searching through links has outlived its utility," said Shashi Seth, a Yahoo Inc. senior vice president. "Users are demanding more now because we are all short on time."

How sad that we are all “short on time.” We have always led busy lives, but in the ‘70s when I had an hour commute each way to work, I still had time for after-work sports, my kids’ cub scouts, creative projects, family dinners … what happened to our world?