Sunday, May 27, 2012

Big Brother has “All Axis”

Why does "Axis" rhyme with “access”?

Yahoo/Axis – A new kind of browser or a new Big Brother form of accessing you and your browsing habits?

Yahoo seeks to shake up search, Web browsing
By MICHAEL LIEDTKE | Associated Press – 2 hrs 27 mins ago (05/24/12; 6:45am PT)

"Searching through links has outlived its utility," said Shashi Seth, a Yahoo Inc. senior vice president. "Users are demanding more now because we are all short on time."

How sad that we are all “short on time.” We have always led busy lives, but in the ‘70s when I had an hour commute each way to work, I still had time for after-work sports, my kids’ cub scouts, creative projects, family dinners … what happened to our world?

And they continued ... In an effort to make Axis even more useful, Yahoo plans to store search activity on its servers so users can have access to their past activity on any computer or mobile device where they log in. Axis will accept the logins that people use on Google and Facebook, as well as Yahoo.

What did I tell you? This is the final paragraph in the article about Axis—I had not read that far when I made the Big Brother statement above … check it out …
And voilà! They have all of your social networking information … my question is, how did we get here?!

Who ARE those idiots who first decided their privacy is not worth a plug nickel and made the social networks believe NO ONE cares about the multitudes of Big Brothers now spying on EVERYTHING we do? You think I sound paranoid? For good reason.

From 2009:
A popular video circulating on You Tube shows the discovery of a spy camera and a microphone hidden inside a digital TV converter box. Such devices are part of a government and industry surveillance program that is undoubtedly connected to the forced digital TV switchover being rolled out in the UK and US.

The camera and microphone were hidden inside a MAGNAVOX TB110MW9 Digital to Analog Converter box. We are not suggesting that every digital cable box has a spy camera and microphone inside, so ripping open your cable box is not a good way to prove this one way or another - but the fact remains that companies like Google and Comcast have openly announced that they plan to use hidden cameras and microphones inside their products to spy on consumers.
(“Hidden Spy Camera & Mic Found Inside Digital TV Box,” Paul Joseph Watson, Propaganda Matrix,

The converters were distributed in both the US and the UK, where government and commercial surveillance is even more prevalent. The majority of UK spying is supposedly to curb crime (as our officials try to tell us, as well). But this comment wonders … “Despite millions of cameras, Britain’s crime rate is not significantly lower than comparable countries that do not have such a vast surveillance state.” (“How many cameras do we need? And are we protected?” – The Blog, 02/22/12

Yahoo is not the first by far, to sneak around our private lives. And they damn sure won’t be the last. Again, I just want to know who the idiots are who allowed this to happen. It sure wasn’t me or anyone I know—must be the politicians we elect to “protect and serve” our needs. Ha!

Have you seen the controversial TV series, Person of Interest? You … your friends … your loved ones … are being watched on every corner in every square quarter-mile of the country. No joke.

1984. Orwell was soooo right—just decades ahead of his time. He saw the writing on the wall—or rather, the eyeball on the wall.

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