Saturday, June 30, 2012

No-Fault Life -- It's Called Compromise

The word “fault” was bandied about in a recent family argument. “It isn’t my fault!” “It’s your fault!”

Part way through the heated discussion (OK, yelling match), I thought I made a good point about not assigning blame at all; to consider that fault is not the issue. Point is, the situation exists – what are we going to do about it?

But of course, since the shrieking outweighed any common sense remark, my observation fell on the proverbial deaf ears. You can’t hear anything while you’re shouting.

My weak compromise (I was willing at least to take equal “blame”) was, “Even California has a ‘No Fault’ law!” And we know that California’s government loves to blame everyone except itself for its blown-out financial state. I thought that was a credible comment.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Will there be an Earth in 2050?

We have raped our world. Mother Earth is suffering, crying out in anguish … and we should be ashamed. And by “we,” of course I mean all of us, because it takes collective awareness to maintain Earth-friendly consumable manufacturing measures and in-home recycle/reuse/refrain lifestyles.

However, it’s up to our governments—comprised of politicians—to generate and enforce the INTELLIGENT laws that will help us create and maintain an ecologically balanced environment.

Supposedly, to establish intelligent laws there must be intelligent people proposing them. Aha! Therein lies our problem. While I could point fingers at―“in my opinion”―those who have let us down through corrupt and completely insane leadership, that won’t solve problems.